PyTorch Beginner's Tutorial (5) - Machine Translation Using nn.Transformer (English to Chinese)

中文 | English


In this post, we will implement an English-to-Chinese machine translation task using Pytorch's nn.Transformer.

This post assumes you have a basic understanding of Transformers, especially regarding the model’s input/output, training methods, inference procedures, and the Mask component. These topics are covered in the knowledge points of the previous article.

You can find the source code for this post in the Github Project.

Final Result of This Post:

translate("Alright, this project is finished. Let's see how good this is")

This is the result after training for 10 hours. (Note that one epoch wasn’t completed, and the loss could still decrease further.)

Environment Setup

The following environment is primarily used in this tutorial:


First, let’s import the necessary packages for this tutorial:

import os
import math

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# Hugging Face tokenizer, GitHub repo:
from tokenizers import Tokenizer
# For building the vocabulary
from torchtext.vocab import build_vocab_from_iterator
from import Dataset
from import DataLoader
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from torch.nn.functional import pad, log_softmax
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm

The dataset consists of two files: train.en and train.zh. Both are text files containing English and Chinese sentences.

This article uses the AI Challenger Translation 2017 dataset. I’ve made some simple adjustments and only used the train.en and train.zh files (for simplicity, the validation set is not used in this article). Additionally, I’ve included the initialized cache files, which you can directly extract.

Dataset Download Link

If you don’t want to use my cached files, you can delete the *.pt files or set use_cache=False.

Define some global configurations, such as the working directory, batch size during training, epochs, etc.

# Working directory where the cache files and model checkpoints will be stored
work_dir = Path("./dataset")
# Directory for storing the trained models
model_dir = Path("./drive/MyDrive/model/transformer_checkpoints")
# The last checkpoint of the model. If it's the first run, set to None. If paused, specify the latest model for resumption.
model_checkpoint = None # ''

# Create the working directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(work_dir):

# Create the model directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(model_dir):

# File path for English sentences
en_filepath = './dataset/train.en'
# File path for Chinese sentences
zh_filepath = './dataset/train.zh'

# Define a method to get the number of lines in a file.
def get_row_count(filepath):
    count = 0
    for _ in open(filepath, encoding='utf-8'):
        count += 1
    return count

# Number of English sentences
en_row_count = get_row_count(en_filepath)
# Number of Chinese sentences
zh_row_count = get_row_count(zh_filepath)
assert en_row_count == zh_row_count, "The number of lines in the English and Chinese files are inconsistent!"
# Total sentence count, mainly used for progress display
row_count = en_row_count

# Define the maximum sentence length. Sentences shorter than this will be padded, and those longer will be truncated.
max_length = 72
print("Total number of sentences:", en_row_count)
print("Maximum sentence length:", max_length)

# Define English and Chinese vocabularies, both will be initialized later as Vocab class objects
en_vocab = None
zh_vocab = None

# Define batch size. Since it's training text and requires less memory, it can be set larger.
batch_size = 64
# Number of epochs. It doesn't need to be too large as there are many sentences.
epochs = 10
# Save the model every 'save_after_step' steps to prevent loss in case of program crashes.
save_after_step = 5000

# Whether to use caching. Due to the large size of the files, initialization is slow, so the initialized files will be persisted.
use_cache = True

# Define the training device
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

print("batch_size:", batch_size)
print("Save model every {} steps".format(save_after_step))
print("Device:", device)

Total number of sentences: 10000000
Maximum sentence length: 72
batch_size: 64
Save model every 5000 steps
Device: cuda

Data Preprocessing

This chapter focuses on data processing, with the main steps being:

  1. Constructing English and Chinese dictionaries. The English dictionary uses a subword approach, while the Chinese dictionary performs word segmentation based on characters.
  2. Constructing the Dataset and DataLoader, where the text is converted into numerical indices and padding is applied.

Text Tokenization and Dictionary Construction

For English tokenization, this article uses a subword method。The tokenizer used is the BERT model from Hugging Face, which is simple to use and doesn’t require additional learning—just reading this article will be enough to understand it.

Next, let's construct the English dictionary:

# Load the base tokenizer model, using the standard BERT model. "uncased" means it is case-insensitive.
tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")

def en_tokenizer(line):
    Define the English tokenizer, which will also be used later.
    :param line: An English sentence, for example, "I'm learning Deep learning."
    :return: The result after subword tokenization, for example: ['i', "'", 'm', 'learning', 'deep', 'learning', '.']
    # Use BERT for tokenization and obtain tokens. `add_special_tokens` means that special characters like `<bos>` and `<eos>` won't be added to the result.
    return tokenizer.encode(line, add_special_tokens=False).tokens


If you're using a newer version and the previous code throws an error, you can modify it as follows:

from transformers import BertTokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
def en_tokenizer(line):
    return tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokenizer.encode(line,  add_special_tokens=False))

Let's test the English tokenizer:

print(en_tokenizer("I'm a English tokenizer."))
['i', "'", 'm', 'a', 'english', 'token', '##izer', '.']

In the tokenization result above, the word "tokenizer" is split into two subwords: token and ##izer. The ## indicates that this part of the word is connected to the preceding part.

Next, let's start building the vocabulary. We will first define a yield function to produce an iterable tokenization result:

def yield_en_tokens():
    This function yields one tokenized English sentence at a time. The reason for using yield is to save memory.
    If we tokenize everything first and then build the vocabulary, a large amount of text will be stored in memory,
    causing a memory overflow.
    file = open(en_filepath, encoding='utf-8')
    print("-------Starting to build the English vocabulary-----------")
    for line in tqdm(file, desc="Building English vocabulary", total=row_count):
        yield en_tokenizer(line)

# Specify the path for the English vocabulary cache file
en_vocab_file = work_dir / ""
# If using a cache and the cache file exists, load the cache
if use_cache and os.path.exists(en_vocab_file):
    en_vocab = torch.load(en_vocab_file, map_location="cpu")
# Otherwise, construct the vocabulary from scratch
    # Build the vocabulary
    en_vocab = build_vocab_from_iterator(
        # Provide an iterable list of tokens, e.g. [['i', 'am', ...], ['machine', 'learning', ...], ...]
        # Set the minimum frequency to 2, meaning a word must appear at least twice to be included
        # Add these special tokens at the beginning of the vocabulary
        specials=["<s>", "</s>", "<pad>", "<unk>"],
    # Set the default index for the vocabulary. If a token is not found during index conversion, this index will be used
    # Save the cache file
    if use_cache:, en_vocab_file)

# Print to check the result
print("English vocabulary size:", len(en_vocab))
print(dict((i, en_vocab.lookup_token(i)) for i in range(10)))
English vocabulary size: 27584
{0: '<s>', 1: '</s>', 2: '<pad>', 3: '<unk>', 4: '.', 5: ',', 6: 'the', 7: "'", 8: 'i', 9: 'you'}

Next, let's build the Chinese vocabulary. Since there are many words in Chinese, out-of-vocabulary (OOV) issues can easily arise. A simple approach is to treat each character as a token without segmentation. This is reasonable for Chinese because splitting a word into individual characters usually still retains its meaning. For example, the word "单词" (word) can be split into "单" (single) and "词" (word) and still convey the original meaning.

Building the Chinese vocabulary is similar to the process for English:

def zh_tokenizer(line):
    Define a Chinese tokenizer.
    :param line: A Chinese sentence, e.g., '机器学习' (machine learning)
    :return: Tokenized result, e.g., ['机', '器', '学', '习']
    return list(line.strip().replace(" ", ""))

def yield_zh_tokens():
    file = open(zh_filepath, encoding='utf-8')
    for line in tqdm(file, desc="Building Chinese dictionary", total=row_count):
        yield zh_tokenizer(line)
zh_vocab_file = work_dir / ""
if use_cache and os.path.exists(zh_vocab_file):
    zh_vocab = torch.load(zh_vocab_file, map_location="cpu")
    zh_vocab = build_vocab_from_iterator(
        specials=["<s>", "</s>", "<pad>", "<unk>"],
    zh_vocab.set_default_index(zh_vocab["<unk>"]), zh_vocab_file)
# Print and check the results
print("Chinese vocabulary size:", len(zh_vocab))
print(dict((i, zh_vocab.lookup_token(i)) for i in range(10)))
Chinese vocabulary size: 8280
{0: '<s>', 1: '</s>', 2: '<pad>', 3: '<unk>', 4: '。', 5: '的', 6: ',', 7: '我', 8: '你', 9: '是'}

Dataset and Dataloader

A dictionary can be used to define the Dataset. The dataset returns a pair of sentences each time, for example: ([6, 8, 93, 12, ..], [62, 891, ...]), where the first list is the English sentence and the second list is the Chinese sentence.

class TranslationDataset(Dataset):

    def __init__(self):
        # Load English tokens
        self.en_tokens = self.load_tokens(en_filepath, en_tokenizer, en_vocab, "Building English tokens", 'en')
        # Load Chinese tokens
        self.zh_tokens = self.load_tokens(zh_filepath, zh_tokenizer, zh_vocab, "Building Chinese tokens", 'zh')

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.en_tokens[index], self.zh_tokens[index]

    def __len__(self):
        return row_count

    def load_tokens(self, file, tokenizer, vocab, desc, lang):
        Load tokens, which means converting text sentences into indices.
        :param file: File path, e.g., "./dataset/train.en"
        :param tokenizer: Tokenizer, e.g., en_tokenizer function
        :param vocab: Vocabulary, a Vocab class object, e.g., en_vocab
        :param desc: Description for progress display, e.g., 'Building English tokens'
        :param lang: Language. Used for distinguishing when creating cache files. For example, 'en'
        :return: Returns the constructed tokens, e.g., [[6, 8, 93, 12, ..], [62, 891, ...], ...]

        # Define the cache file path
        cache_file = work_dir / "tokens_list.{}.pt".format(lang)
        # If caching is enabled and the cache file exists, load directly
        if use_cache and os.path.exists(cache_file):
            print(f"Loading cache file {cache_file}, please wait...")
            return torch.load(cache_file, map_location="cpu")

        # Initialize the list to store the results
        tokens_list = []
        # Open the file
        with open(file, encoding='utf-8') as file:
            # Read line by line
            for line in tqdm(file, desc=desc, total=row_count):
                # Tokenize the line
                tokens = tokenizer(line)
                # Convert the tokenized result into indices using the vocabulary
                tokens = vocab(tokens)
                # Append the result to the list
        # Save the cache file
        if use_cache:
  , cache_file)

        return tokens_list
dataset = TranslationDataset()

After defining the dataset, let's take a quick look:

([11, 2730, 12, 554, 19, 17210, 18077, 27, 3078, 203, 57, 102, 18832, 3653], [12, 40, 1173, 1084, 3169, 164, 693, 397, 84, 100, 14, 5, 1218, 2397, 535, 67])

The dataset does not include <bos> and <eos> tokens. This action and padding are handled within the dataloader.

Next, let's define the Dataloader.

Before defining the Dataloader, we first need to define the collate_fn, because the fields returned by our dataset cannot be easily combined into batches and require further processing. These operations are all handled within the collate_fn.

def collate_fn(batch):
    Further process the data from the dataset and assemble a batch.
    :param batch: A batch of data, for example:
                  [([6, 8, 93, 12, ..], [62, 891, ...]),
    :return: The padded and length-matched data, including src, tgt, tgt_y, n_tokens
             where src is the original sentence, which is the sentence to be translated
             tgt is the target sentence: the translated sentence, excluding the last token
             tgt_y is the label: the translated sentence, excluding the first token, i.e., <bos>
             n_tokens: The number of tokens in tgt_y, excluding <pad>.

    # Define the index for '<bos>', which is 0 in the vocabulary, so here it is also 0
    bs_id = torch.tensor([0])
    # Define the index for '<eos>'
    eos_id = torch.tensor([1])
    # Define the index for <pad>
    pad_id = 2

    # Lists to store the processed src and tgt
    src_list, tgt_list = [], []

    # Iterate through each sentence pair
    for (_src, _tgt) in batch:
        _src: The source sentence, e.g., the index corresponding to 'I love you'
        _tgt: The target sentence, e.g., the index corresponding to '我 爱 你'

        processed_src =
            # Concatenate <bos>, sentence index, and <eos>
        processed_tgt =

        Pad sentences to the length of max_padding and add them to the list.

        pad: If processed_src is [0, 1136, 2468, 1349, 1]
             The second argument is: (0, 72-5)
             The third argument is: 2
        This means padding processed_src with 0 padding of 2 on the left and 67 padding of 2 on the right.
        The final result will be: [0, 1136, 2468, 1349, 1, 2, 2, 2, ..., 2]
                (0, max_length - len(processed_src),),
                (0, max_length - len(processed_tgt),),

    # Stack multiple src sentences together
    src = torch.stack(src_list)
    tgt = torch.stack(tgt_list)

    # tgt_y is the target sentence with the first token removed, i.e., without <bos>
    tgt_y = tgt[:, 1:]
    # tgt is the target sentence with the last token removed
    tgt = tgt[:, :-1]

    # Calculate the number of tokens to predict in this batch
    n_tokens = (tgt_y != 2).sum()

    # Return the batch result
    return src, tgt, tgt_y, n_tokens

With the collate_fn function, we can now construct the dataloader.

train_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn)
src, tgt, tgt_y, n_tokens = next(iter(train_loader))
src, tgt, tgt_y =,,
print("src.size:", src.size())
print("tgt.size:", tgt.size())
print("tgt_y.size:", tgt_y.size())
print("n_tokens:", n_tokens)
src.size: torch.Size([64, 72])
tgt.size: torch.Size([64, 71])
tgt_y.size: torch.Size([64, 71])
n_tokens: tensor(1227)

Next, we can start building the translation model.

Model Construction

Since nn.Transformer does not include the Positional Encoding part, we need to implement it ourselves. Here, we’ll directly use an existing implementation.

class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
    "Implement the PE function."

    def __init__(self, d_model, dropout, max_len=5000):
        super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)

        # Initialize the PE (positional encoding) tensor with shape (max_len, d_model)
        pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model).to(device)
        # Create a tensor [[0, 1, 2, 3, ...]]
        position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1)
        # This is where the sin and cos functions are applied, with transformations using e and ln
        div_term = torch.exp(
            torch.arange(0, d_model, 2) * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model)
        # Compute PE(pos, 2i)
        pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
        # Compute PE(pos, 2i+1)
        pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
        # To facilitate computation, an extra batch dimension is added with unsqueeze
        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
        # If a parameter does not participate in gradient descent but should be saved when the model is saved,
        # we use register_buffer
        self.register_buffer("pe", pe)

    def forward(self, x):
        x is the embedding of inputs, e.g., (1,7, 128), where batch size is 1, 7 words, each word has a dimension of 128
        # Add the positional encoding to the input.
        x = x +[:, : x.size(1)].requires_grad_(False)
        return self.dropout(x)

Next, let’s define a Transformer translation model. The nn.Transformer implementation only covers the green part of the Transformer shown in the diagram below, so we need to implement the rest ourselves:


class TranslationModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, d_model, src_vocab, tgt_vocab, dropout=0.1):
        super(TranslationModel, self).__init__()

        # Define the embedding for the source sentence
        self.src_embedding = nn.Embedding(len(src_vocab), d_model, padding_idx=2)
        # Define the embedding for the target sentence
        self.tgt_embedding = nn.Embedding(len(tgt_vocab), d_model, padding_idx=2)
        # Define positional encoding
        self.positional_encoding = PositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout, max_len=max_length)
        # Define the Transformer
        self.transformer = nn.Transformer(d_model, dropout=dropout, batch_first=True)

        # Define the final prediction layer. Note that Softmax is not included here, as it's handled outside the model.
        self.predictor = nn.Linear(d_model, len(tgt_vocab))

    def forward(self, src, tgt):
        Perform the forward pass and output the Decoder's results. Note that self.predictor is not used here,
        as training and inference behave differently, so it’s handled outside the model.
        :param src: Source sentence batch, e.g., [[0, 12, 34, .., 1, 2, 2, ...], ...]
        :param tgt: Target sentence batch, e.g., [[0, 74, 56, .., 1, 2, 2, ...], ...]
        :return: Output of the Transformer, or the TransformerDecoder output.

        Generate tgt_mask, a stepwise mask, e.g.:
        [[0., -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf],
        [0., 0., -inf, -inf, -inf],
        [0., 0., 0., -inf, -inf],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., -inf],
        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]
        tgt.size()[-1] corresponds to the length of the target sentence.
        tgt_mask = nn.Transformer.generate_square_subsequent_mask(tgt.size()[-1]).to(device)
        # Mask out the <pad> parts of the source sentence, e.g., [[False, False, False, ..., True, True, ...], ...]
        src_key_padding_mask = TranslationModel.get_key_padding_mask(src)
        # Mask out the <pad> parts of the target sentence
        tgt_key_padding_mask = TranslationModel.get_key_padding_mask(tgt)

        # Encode the source and target sentences
        src = self.src_embedding(src)
        tgt = self.tgt_embedding(tgt)
        # Add positional information to the tokens of the source and target sentences
        src = self.positional_encoding(src)
        tgt = self.positional_encoding(tgt)

        # Pass the prepared data through the transformer
        out = self.transformer(src, tgt,

        Directly return the result from the transformer. Since the behaviors differ during training and inference,
        the linear prediction layer is handled outside this model.
        return out

    def get_key_padding_mask(tokens):
        Generate key_padding_mask
        return tokens == 2


In nn.Transformer, -inf in the mask indicates masking, while 0 means no masking. For the key_padding_mask, True indicates masking, and False means no masking.

if model_checkpoint:
    model = torch.load(model_dir / model_checkpoint)
    model = TranslationModel(256, en_vocab, zh_vocab)
model =

Try calling the model to verify if it runs properly.

model(src, tgt).size()
torch.Size([64, 71, 256])
model(src, tgt)
tensor([[[ 0.3853, -0.8223,  0.5280,  ..., -2.4575,  2.5116, -0.5928],
         [ 1.5033, -0.3207,  0.5466,  ..., -2.5268,  2.2986, -1.6524],
         [ 0.7981,  0.4327,  0.5015,  ..., -2.1362,  0.7818, -1.1500],
         [ 0.6166, -0.8814, -0.0232,  ..., -1.6519,  2.8955, -1.2634],
         [ 1.9665, -0.6462, -0.0716,  ..., -2.0842,  1.7766, -0.9148],
         [ 0.9839, -0.6833,  0.2441,  ..., -1.2677,  2.3247, -1.7913]]],
       device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<NativeLayerNormBackward0>)

The model runs normally, with the 71 being due to the target (tgt) having the last token removed.

Model Training

For simplicity, we’re using the Adam optimizer for this model training, and no learning rate warmup is applied.

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
class TranslationLoss(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        super(TranslationLoss, self).__init__()
        # Using KLDivLoss, no need to know the internal details.
        self.criterion = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction="sum")
        self.padding_idx = 2

    def forward(self, x, target):
        Forward pass of the loss function.
        :param x: The output of the Decoder after passing through the predictor linear layer.
                  This is the state after the Linear layer and before the Softmax.
        :param target: tgt_y, the label, for example [[1, 34, 15, ...], ...]
        :return: loss

        Since the input for KLDivLoss requires applying log to softmax, we use log_softmax.
        Equivalent to: log(softmax(x))
        x = log_softmax(x, dim=-1)

        Construct the label distribution, which means converting [[1, 34, 15, ...]] into:
        [[[0, 1, 0, ..., 0],
          [0, ..., 1, .., 0],
        # First, create a tensor full of zeros with the shape of x
        true_dist = torch.zeros(x.size()).to(device)
        # Set the corresponding index to 1
        true_dist.scatter_(1,, 1)
        # Identify <pad> indices, and set all corresponding values to 0 to prevent them from influencing the loss calculation.
        mask = torch.nonzero( == self.padding_idx)
        if mask.dim() > 0:
            true_dist.index_fill_(0, mask.squeeze(), 0.0)

        # Calculate the loss
        return self.criterion(x, true_dist.clone().detach())
criteria = TranslationLoss()

Once the loss function is defined, we can officially start training the model. The training process is not much different from regular model training. Here, I use TensorBoard to log the loss:

writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir='runs/transformer_loss')

You can start TensorBoard by running the command tensorboard --logdir runs in the current directory.

step = 0

if model_checkpoint:
    step = int(''.replace("model_", "").replace(".pt", ""))

for epoch in range(epochs):
    loop = tqdm(enumerate(train_loader), total=len(train_loader))
    for index, data in enumerate(train_loader):
        # Generate data
        src, tgt, tgt_y, n_tokens = data
        src, tgt, tgt_y =,,

        # Clear gradients
        # Perform transformer calculations
        out = model(src, tgt)
        # Pass the results through the final linear layer for predictions
        out = model.predictor(out)

        Calculate loss. Since we predict outputs for all tokens during training, 
        we need to reshape 'out'. The shape of 'out' is (batch_size, num_tokens, vocab_size),
        and after view, it becomes (batch_size * num_tokens, vocab_size).
        Among these predictions, we only need to focus on the non-<pad> tokens, 
        so we apply normalization, which means dividing by n_tokens.
        loss = criteria(out.contiguous().view(-1, out.size(-1)), tgt_y.contiguous().view(-1)) / n_tokens
        # Compute gradients
        # Update parameters

        loop.set_description("Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch, epochs))

        step += 1

        del src
        del tgt
        del tgt_y

        if step != 0 and step % save_after_step == 0:
  , model_dir / f"model_{step}.pt")

Epoch 0/10:  78%|███████▊  | 121671/156250 [9:17:29<2:37:46,  3.65it/s, loss=2.25]

Model Inference

After training the model, let’s use it to perform inference.

During inference with a Transformer, the target (tgt) is fed one token at a time to the Transformer. For example, initially, tgt is <bos>, and the prediction is I. Then, the second tgt is <bos> I, and the prediction is like. In the third step, tgt is <bos> I like, and so on, until the prediction is <eos>, or the maximum sentence length is reached.

model = model.eval()
def translate(src: str):
    :param src: The English sentence, e.g., "I like machine learning."
    :return: The translated sentence, e.g., "我喜欢机器学习"

    # Tokenize the source sentence and convert it into indices using the vocabulary, then add <bos> and <eos>
    src = torch.tensor([0] + en_vocab(en_tokenizer(src)) + [1]).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
    # Initially, the target is <bos>
    tgt = torch.tensor([[0]]).to(device)
    # Predict one word at a time until <eos> is predicted or the maximum sentence length is reached
    for i in range(max_length):
        # Perform the transformer computation
        out = model(src, tgt)
        # Since we only need the last word's prediction, we take `out[:, -1]`
        predict = model.predictor(out[:, -1])
        # Find the index of the maximum value
        y = torch.argmax(predict, dim=1)
        # Concatenate the predicted word with the previous predictions
        tgt = torch.concat([tgt, y.unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)
        # If <eos> is predicted, stop the loop
        if y == 1:
    # Join the predicted tokens and remove <s> and </s> tokens
    tgt = ''.join(zh_vocab.lookup_tokens(tgt.squeeze().tolist())).replace("<s>", "").replace("</s>", "")
    return tgt
translate("Alright, this project is finished. Let's see how good this is.")
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